Custom & Vintage Auto Repair
Roosevelt Automotive offers a complete list of automotive repair services to meet the needs for Vintage and Custom cars and truck enthusiasts. We can use our knowledge and experience of these vehicles to give you the quality of repairs and service you expect.
Our Vintage Car Specialists know how to find the problem and fix it right the first time. We have a secure facility to protect your investment if you need to leave it with us over night.
Old School Custom & Vintage Auto Repair
Roosevelt Automotive loves to repair Vintage and Custom cars and trucks. We have a great deal of experience repairing these gems. We personally own a few of them ourselves. (see header photo … my Vintage Blue Ford).
We are highly trained and experienced at diagnosing and fixing these vehicles.
Our Team takes great pride when it comes to finding and fixing those hard to solve problems on these special vehicles.
Custom & Vintage Exhaust Systems
Looking for a special exhaust system for that custom car or truck?
We can help! We have a lot of experience doing those custom jobs that most won’t tackel. We love custom jobs!